Books, e-books and audio books

Books, e-books and Audiobooks

NEW! You are the Whale is the fourth and final book of the Swimming with the Whale series on the teachings and practices of Daskalos and the Researchers of Truth. To know where you have come from, where you are going, and where you stand right now is such an advantage on your spiritual journey. It gives you confidence and surety that you have placed your feet on the correct path as well as the inspiration to keep going!

You are the Whale, provides this confidence as it leads the reader from the source of the Life stream called humanity, to their first incarnations as Adams and Eves, on through their numberless incarnations in the Antediluvian times. It is a journey out and in through the dimensions of light and shadow and back to the source from where it all started.

You Are the Whale sketches the great pinnacles of humanity’s journey, the Separation of Sexes, Reincarnation, the Great Flood, and the Tribulation. It traces humankind’s voyage of self-discovery from Lemuria to Atlantis, into the Egyptian Mystery schools, the Greek Mystery schools and on to the predicament of our current time. It reveals humankind’s struggles to raise their self-awareness and pass through the five levels of consciousness that we all are destined to.

You Are the Whale reveals the most advanced teachings and practices of the Symbol of Life that has been unfolding in humanities awareness since premortal times lifting us onward and upward to our destination of Self-Realization. Although our destination will be the same for all of us, each of us will have our own unique experiences along the way.

Swimming Lessons with the Whale, the Transformative Practices of Daskalos and the Researchers of Truth, by Daniel Joseph, is the second installment in the Whale Series books on the teachings and practices of Daskalos and the Researchers of Truth. In this volume we will focus on the practices (meditations and exercises) from Daskalos’ Esoteric Practices book in depth, the reader will greatly expand their understandings on how to properly engage in the esoteric practices of Daskalos & the Researchers of Truth to have our own direct experiences of the truth of these teachings.

Swimming Lessons with the Whale guides the reader deep into Daskalos’ meditations and practices providing an extensive background. Thereby enriching the reader’s understanding of how and why the meditations and practices work so effectively in raising one’s consciousness. This volume also contains a great number of questions and answers regarding these practices from students as they actively progressed through the entire series of meditations and exercises.

What is Love? Is an Invitation to love. It is an invitation to be brave enough, strong enough and alert enough NOT to postpone expressing love right now, wherever you are. It is a deep dive into the singular nature of undifferentiated Divine Love and the many degrees of human love. Undifferentiated Divine Love means it has no degrees – it is a singularity.

Whereas multicolored human love has many, many degrees of expression from the most-cruel selfish love to most-caring unselfish love. And the great mystery is that the same work “love” is used for both selfish love and unselfish love!

What is Love? explores the many kinds of love: Platonic love, Unconditional Love, conditional love, romantic love, impersonal love, eros, agape and one of the most dangerous kinds of love of them all – love by reflection.

It is true that the truth sets us free, but it is Love that protects us.

Swimming with the Whale systematically introduces the reader to an ever-increasing engagement with the research of truth. It is the calling of some but really it is a necessity for all. To be successful in the material world or the spiritual world we must become more aware and more conscious, which requires research in the form of observation and study.

Swimming with the Whale presents the System for the Research of Truth as established by Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis who is more popularly known as Daskalos the Mystic of Strovolos. Swimming with the Whale first introduces Daskalos as a young seven-year-old master/healer and reveals the over 2000-year-old lineage of the Researchers of Truth. Swimming with the Whale is an introductory workbook that guides your initial approach to the safe, effective, self-evident teachings and practices of Daskalos and the Researchers of Truth.

Diving with the Whale by Daniel Joseph is the third book in the Swimming with the Whale series. It explores deeper levels of the teachings of Daskalos and the Researchers of Truth plunging into some of the most advanced teachings on God, Man and the Nature of Reality available anywhere. The information contained within will add much meaning to any seeker’s fundamental search for the truth of who they are what they are, where they have come from and what the purpose of their life is. This book also addresses some of the deepest questions concerning life, love, and the change called death. And most importantly it addresses the cause of suffering, how can we reduce our suffering and live a happier life.

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