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The Initial Teaching and Practice of the Symbol of Life

ng the truth concerning God, Man & The Nature of Reality. When we say the word “man” it is not referring to the males but to Humankind as a whole.

We can trace the use of the Symbol of Life from the great ancient Egyptian civilization although its roots come from the Atlantean period. From the Egyptian’s use of this symbol two branches of expression evolved. One was the Jewish Kabala and the other is purely Christian and based on the Revelations of Saint John.

In this seminar we will begin our initial practice with this most powerful tool that leads us from wherever we are now in our journey through the different stages of Self Realization and back to our source.

Columbus, Indiana Center

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The main purpose of these Seminars is to help you find that truth that sets you free from your own illusions so you may live life with more joy and happiness. The seminars also provide an accelerated path of spiritual awakening that shortens the distance to our goal of Self Realization. Another important benefit is to be around other researchers and feel the friendship and support of a loving spiritual family.

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